The TexiGen
application is freely available as FREEWARE and can be freely distributed
and used for private or commercial purposes. Textures
created using the TexiGen
application and using generators contained in it can be
sell without limitations, with one exception -
textures generated from foreign or default variant sets
of generators cannot be sold,
because variants are intellectual property of their
authors. For selling textures it is necessary
to generate your own variant set of generators. Above may
not apply automatically
for generators from other authors who define their own
licensing conditions.
All source codes of the TexiGen program are freely
available and they can be used in other private
and commercial projects. In case of creation of program
modification it is necessary to clearly
distinguish modified version from the original version,
to make it clear that it is modified version,
and also state which project the modification was based
The TexiGen application is provided in form in which it
is, with known and unknown errors.
The author assumes no responsibility for any consequences
arising from the use
of the application, or for any consequences resulting
from malfunctioning of the application.